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Lehre ist an Hochschulen in der Pandemie nur noch eingeschränkt möglich. Oder vielmehr : Immer noch nur eingeschränkt. Das gilt auch für die Mehrzahl meiner Kurse in diesem Wintersemester 2020/21. Wie eine Umfrage unter deutschen Unis zeigt: Die Zufriedenheit der Studierenden mit den Angeboten der Unis sinkt, Einsamkeit, fehlende Motivation und Konzentration werden zum Problem. Doch im beginnenden Wintersemester gibt es auch positive Ansätze. Ein interessanter Beitrag auf Deutschlandfunk zu dem Thema findet man HIER Auch für Dozenten und Lehrende ist der direkte Kontakt zu den Studierenden im Hörsaal oder Seminarraum von Vorteil. Aber meist sieht die Lehre auch im Wintersemester so aus ...
5/10/2020 Digitalization in SportsThe winter-semester 2020/21 is in full swing! This week I will start my course "Digitalisaten in Sports" with ISEM master students at University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. I am looking forward to an interesting three-day-course with international master-students from 6 different countries. Digitalisation has invaded all areas of society, with sport certainly no exception. The corvid 19 pandemic has accelerated this development over the past six month tremendously. Digitalisation has transformed fans’ relationships with their club or athlete, shrinking the metaphorical gap between the spectator and what’s happening on the field of play or training pitch. For players too – both professional and amateur – it has augmented performance, pushed boundaries and removed barriers. Sport is accessible pretty much anywhere at any time on some sort of digital platform, meeting the demands of the consumer, generating interest and I believe slowly confirming that the sports industry is a big market and developing rapidly. From a marketing perspective it's all about delivering more content and beeing closer to the action. World Rugby for example, the world governing body, use technology to allow fans into the control room of international matches. Referees' microphones and cameras installed in the TMO's studio give fans previously unparalleled access to the inner-workings of the officials' high-pressure adjudication decisions. However, there is much more about digitalisation in sports as there are many more opportunities for it's application; from marketing and media, to performance, health & fitness to managing sports organisations more efficiently.
Digital technology is improving enterprise performance in game-changing ways. According to a recent Harvard Business School report, digitalization—the integrated use of analytics, big data, the cloud, the Internet of Things (“IoT”), mobile, and application development—is driving change at unprecedented rates. |
AutorRalf Iwan MBA Archiv
November 2024
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