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At this year's Lectures by the Lake, more than 130 students from the University of Europe for Applied Sciences and 30 groups presented their ideas on how to make the Upper Lusatia region more interesting for foreign professionals and create jobs for the local population. The ideas ranged from medicine and care to education and training as well as sports, tourism and digitalisation. The students recognised and addressed the challenges of the sociological demographic situation and structural change. Many of the international students from 12 countries saw special opportunities in the region, which is located in the triangle between Poland and the Czech Republic. They combined their applied theoretical knowledge from the course with many international case studies (also from their home countries) very well and came up with new ideas. The ideas developed on the basis of extensive research were presented to the ENo and Professor Ralf Iwan.
The competition was a great success with many innovative ideas being presented. The students were able to showcase their creativity and knowledge in a practical way. At the upcoming Lectures by the Lake seminars, new topics and practice-oriented tasks will certainly be assigned to the students on the topic of leadership. I hope this rephrased version is more interesting to read. You can participate in Lectures by the Lake seminars by registering on the University of Europe for Applied Sciences website. The seminars are held at Lake Berzdorf and combine online teaching in the form of short tutorials with an innovative face-to-face format. The seminars provide workshops, conduct field trips to corporates in the region as well as online-meeting with industry experts. You can find more information about the seminars on this website. 19/12/2022 Lectures by the Lake Winter'22Today the Lectures by the Lake MBA students presented their ideas in front of a panel in #Görlitz and the #unbezahlbarland lounge. The task given by the development agency ENO was "How to attract more highly skilled people to the area of Lusatia"? The second event of the lectures by the Lake in December had the theme "How to attract skilled workers to the Lusatia region". My students from the MBA courses "Operational Management" and "Leadership" had the task of developing innovative but at the same time feasible concepts for attracting foreign specialists to the Lusatia region. The Lusatia region, which is still strongly influenced by mining, has been undergoing structural change for many years and suffers from a shortage of skilled workers. Although the region has a lot to offer potential new employers and employees, there is still a shortage of workers. The students presented their solutions and proposals to a committee consisting of representatives of the district and the development company ENO. Afterwards, a discussion took place on the proposals. There was also a supporting agenda, of course, because in addition to the presentation and discussion, entrepreneurs and freelancers in Görlitz were visited and interviewed on the topic. A cultural tour with a guide who led through the historic old town of Görlitz and a visit to the Christmas market rounded off the event. #people #development #mba #students #goerlitz #globalization #businessdevelopment #education #taxpolicy. 12/9/2022 Business of Sports WebinarTeaching about sports management and sports marketing for students in mature sports markets like Europe or the USA must have a different approach, than teaching and mentoring coaches in emerging countries like Zimbabwe. I had the pleasure to meet a group of coaches and athletes from Zimbabwe yesterday in a 2hr webinar, where we talked about sports marketing, business models in sports, and their very own business ideas. As a special guest I could welcome my student ELIJAH MENSAH, Ghana born, Italian raised, who shared his business model beeing a personal fitness trainer. We will have the next webinar coming weekend. The course is supported by a short online course as well, with some additional material, videos, and case studies. I appreciate, that I gained some new insights in the discussions as well about the sports market in Zimbabwe. 18/7/2022 Lectures by the Lake'22: ReviewIt was a great three days at the lake with presentations, visits to regional agencies, online guests, culture, sports and lots of fun, personal discussions and conversations. This year's Lectures by the Lake seminar at Berzdorfer See was very well received by all participants. After arrival by train from Berlin, cycling to Poland for lunch. The first online guest in the program in the afternoon was Oliver von Quast, CEO of Direct Charge GmbH. Oliver explained the students the business concept of his company, a Berlin start-up in the field of e-mobility. During the lecture, Oliver was able to explain questions of the students both in the seminar room and online and thus contributed to a better understanding of the field of renewable energies and e-mobility in Germany. Then it was out of the seminar room and onto the water. Stand-up paddle and kayak were the activities, which were a lot of fun for everyone. After such an active day, everyone was hungry of course. The barbecue came just right and was great to finish the day. The second day consisted of a visit to the regional development agency ENO and a lot of culture. ENO, the agency responsible for the economic and structural development of the district, gave the students a very detailed insight into the current situation, the challenges but also the opportunities that this region offers young people and companies. The afternoon was entirely dedicated to culture. After lunch in a historic restaurant, the program continued with culture and history. A guided tour through the historic city of Görlitz impressed all students. The barbecue in the evening was then a “co-production” of all students. The third day started after breakfast (which all students prepared again together) with a round of talks and individual meetings on the topics of the course, the master's theses and assignments, before we went to the beach: Beach Volleyball & Beach Soccer! All in all a great event, which was unfortunately much too short. Thanks to all participants for the effort and the help here and there: Great teamwork! Everyone is looking forward to the next event.... #development #opportunities #event #students #teamwork #lecturesbythelake #seminars #fun #insights #sports #management #leadership #sustainability #communication #standuppaddle #watersports #canoeing #beachvolleyball #beachsoccer Credits to SHASHIKANT JADHAV for the great pics, Menglin DAI for all the filming, Tarik for giving me Arabic lessons, and Uurmi for sharing the barbecue recipe, Ten for sharing insights to his business model, and Tanmay for the great assist during beach volleyball (btw I'm also a rookie in this sports :-) 25/3/2022 Start of the Summer Semester 2022The global political situation has changed completely since February 24, 2022 - to a significant extent, of course, in Europe. Many people did not think it possible that there would be another war of this magnitude in Europe. Neither did I. The war in Ukraine has also had an impact on the sports industry. From Chelsea, to Formula 1, from sporting events and the exclusion of Russian athletes and teams from leagues and sporting events. How the sanctions against Russia will impact other areas of the sports and fitness industry in the coming months remains to be seen.
In March, my summer semester starts with a whole series of interesting courses. The Football Industry course will focus on the industry's stakeholders, their business models and projects in the national and international soccer business. The digitalization but especially the corona crisis of the past. 2years has changed the soccer business globally. We take a look at the stakeholders and their new or adapted business models and venture an outlook on what could lie ahead for the industry. In the international course of Managing Fitness & Recreationnal Markets we will start with an introduction to the topic of fitness and health and we will also look at the health challenges of societies and which business models can arise from this. Finally, we will devote quality management in fitness & health to the service idea and process management. Not only talking about fitness, but also becoming active ourselves. That's why I'll be back in action at the Hyrox Event Frankfurt at the end of April. The Hyrox Event, which calls itself a fitness event for all, is an excellent combination of functional training and endurance. I would like to give a small preview of the summer of 2022, when the "Lectures by the Lake" will take place in Görlitz at Lake Bertzdorf, a compact seminar in an inspiring environment directly at the lake. The topic this summer is Leadership with as focus on sustainability, social performance and change management. I wish everyone a good start to the week and a safe place to be With best regards and wishes Ralf Iwan 5/7/2021 Neues SeminarformatSo langsam öffnen sich die Tore der Universitäten und Hochschulen wieder und die Studierenden freuen sich darauf ab dem Wintersemester, wieder in den persönlichen Austausch mit ihren Kommilitonen und den Dozierenden zu kommen.
Ich habe in den vergangenen Monaten viel mit meinen Studierenden der verschiedenen Hochschulen zum Thema Lehre und neue Formate - sowohl digital als auch in Präsenz - gesprochen. Das Fazit: Viele Studierende wünschen sich - neben dem regulären Unterricht - auch Kompaktseminare außerhalb der Hochschule. Diese Rückmeldungen habe ich aufgenommen und in Zusammenarbeit mit meinen deutschen und internationalen Studierenden sowie Master-Absolventen meiner Kurse, in den vergangenen Wochen ein Konzept für ein Kompaktseminar zum Thema “Internationales Sport und Eventmanagement” erstellt. Das Ziel: Ein intensives Kompaktseminar, welches den Studierenden die Möglichkeit gibt, an einem inspirierenden Ort abseits der Hochschule sich vertiefend mit einem Thema zu befassen. Starten werden wir im September 2021 mit zwei “Lectures by the Lake” Wochenend-Seminaren für maximal jeweils 12 Personen, zum Thema “Strategisches Sportmanagement und Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung”. Die Location: Der Berzdorfer See, südlich von Görlitz und das Gästehaus “Kretscham” in einer historischen Brennerei, nur 200m vom See entfernt, bieten optimale Voraussetzungen für ein Aktiv-Seminar, denn neben dem Seminar sind auch sportliche Aktivitäten am nahegelegenen Strand von Beach-Volleyball bis Stand-up Paddling möglich und geplant. Nach Seminar und aktivem Sport haben die Teilnehmer abends beim Grillen im Garten die Möglichkeit Themen und Erlebnisse des Tages Revue passieren zu lassen und zu netzwerken. Weitere Informationen und Anmeldemöglichkeiten |
AutorRalf Iwan MBA Archiv
November 2024
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